I stupidly did not save the source for this photo - is it yours? I wish I could remember where I found it, because I want to know how to do that. Not for wedding, for Christmas. I think quilled paper ornaments would be a blast to make (for the first dozen or so), and really pretty to decorate a wrapped gift. Not to mention the marvelous economy of using paper scraps that would otherwise be thrown out, right?
That is how I will sell it to DJ - which is totally unnecessary, he's so impressed by my thrifted silver and free wedding shoes that I could buy any number of craft supplies without him blinking twice. (Ahem, Gocco.)
I know Hobby Lobby has supplies for it. I saw them there yesterday and had to convince myself that I have enough going on without jumping feet first into quilling right now. :)
Mmm surely he wouldn't mind a Gocco. It's a worthy investment after all. ;)
Thanks, LL! I stopped at Michaels on my way home today and bought the little tool. I will let you know how it goes.
Jenny, believe it or not, DJ is already a big Gocco fan - I bought one months ago.
These are super cute! Question... what is Gocco? I've heard people talk about it and have no idea what it is.
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